The 12 Days of Christmas

Boxing Day this year is Holy Family Sunday unless you are at a church dedicated to St Stephen where it is patronal festival day as usual.
Monday is St John’s Day.
Holy Innocents on Tuesday is when we can think (out of sequence) about Herod’s reaction to the Three Kings arriving at the climax of the Twelve Days.
Wednesday is the Martyrdom of St Thomas of Canterbury when Canterbury Cathedral recalls their most traumatic Christmas which saw their Archbishop Becket murdered.
On Thursday it is the Translation of St James, the brother of St John remembered on Monday. Both knew and followed Jesus when an adult and leader.
After New Year’s Day we look to the coming of the Three Kings, or Wise Men, at what we know call The Epiphany.
So no camels until Epiphany Eve on Tuesday 5 January!
If you forgot to make a Christmas cake it’s not too late. The cake was originally the Twelfth Night cake to be enjoyed no earlier than the eve of Epiphany 5 January.