Three Kings biscuits by
This Saturday night 5 January the figures of the Three Kings will be seen arriving in towns and villages all over Spain. The street processions are big family occasions.
Another feature of today is enjoying cutting the Twelfth Night cake.
In Spain it is a cake ring called Rosca de Reyes symbolising a king’s crown. Inside is baby figurine. The French have their Gâteau des Rois.o or Gallette des Rois with a small feve (or charm) inside.
England had a similar custom well into the 19th century. The English Twelfth Cake contained a bean. The person finding the bean in their slice of cake was proclaimed king for the evening. The custom died out when the Twelfth Night cake began to be served on the 25 December and became our Christmas cake.
But a Twelfth Cake was enjoyed, although a little early, on Thursday by the 42nd Street cast at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Another is being cut this evening by the Vic-Wells Association at The Old Vic in Waterloo.
Also tonight, at St James’s Church Spanish Place, Marylebone W1, the Order of Malta is organising the blessing of Epiphany water and chalk at 7pm. You can take the chalk home to write a welcoming C+M+B over the front door for the Three Kings: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
Sunday is The Epiphany when we celebrate in church the arrival of the Wise Men who will now be found as part of the crib scene.