Leigh Hatts  

All Hallows-by-the-Tower beating the bounds

The Verger with staves leads the procession on Tower Hill

The annual Ascension Day beating the bounds took place today in bright sunshine at All Hallows-by-the-Tower parish on the edge of the City of London.

The boundary runs up against the Tower of London and along the middle of the Thames.

Custom House is in the parish as is the charming garden ruin of St Dunstan-in-the-East. Hence the St Dunstan’s College students taking a leading role in the ceremony.

The afternoon ended with Ascension Day evensong.

Doggett’s Coat & Badge winners with the beaters from St Dunstan’s on Tower Hill.
The party getting ready to go out into the Pool of London and find the boundary in the water
The procession on Tower Pier returning to the shore
The procession leaving St Dunstan-in-the East

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